Grand Kyomachiya with an annex in Nishijin


A creatively renovated, large-scale Kyomachiya in Nishijin

Located in the Nishijin, an area renowned for its silk weaving heritage, this Kyomachiya dates back to 1927 and was originally a residence engaged in Nishijin textile production. Under the current owner's sensibilities, the Machiya's traditional charm has been preserved while introducing a new context through a creative renovation.

The main house, with its divided usage on the first and second floors, is suitable for multi-generational living. Additionally, there is a detached annex at the rear of the property currently in tenanted.


The front-facing "main house" is a Kyomachiya that faces the street. In 2020, both the main house and the detached annex underwent a renovation, transforming the main house into a layout where the first and second floors can be used separately.

On the 1st floor, there is a sunken-floor living-dining-kitchen with earthen flooring. Brightened by indirect lighting from the ceiling and natural light from the windows, it is currently serving as an atelier. The 2nd floor retains the original layout but incorporates a pitched ceiling in the dining and kitchen areas. Artistic sensibilities are evident, with the energetic use of red colors, and a slide has been created on the Hibukuro aisle for descending to the 1st floor.

Rather than a complete overhaul, the building has been renovated while preserving elements that evoke the charm of a traditional townhouse. It introduces a Kyomachiya where art is enjoyed in daily life, promoting a rich and vibrant lifestyle.


Renovation Highlights:

  • All materials used are natural; no plastics or plastic derivatives are used (except the bath module).
  • Adhesives, paints, sealers, etc., are non-toxic and free from harmful chemicals.
  • Harmful electromagnetic and radio frequencies are nearly eliminated through special electrical installations. For example, the red switch in the bedroom helps "cut off" the current during sleep.
  • No products emitting gas during or after construction are used.
  • Construction waste has been minimized for environmental conservation.


main house

(taken in Nov 2023)

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(taken in Oct 2020)

【離れ】外観写真_西陣・硯屋町の京町家(京都市上京区硯屋町) 【離れ】玄関の写真_西陣・硯屋町の京町家(京都市上京区硯屋町) 【離れ】玄関の写真_西陣・硯屋町の京町家(京都市上京区硯屋町) 【離れ】1階の写真_西陣・硯屋町の京町家(京都市上京区硯屋町) 【離れ】1階の写真_西陣・硯屋町の京町家(京都市上京区硯屋町) 【離れ】吹抜の写真_西陣・硯屋町の京町家(京都市上京区硯屋町) 【離れ】キッチンの写真_西陣・硯屋町の京町家(京都市上京区硯屋町) 【離れ】1階トイレの写真_西陣・硯屋町の京町家(京都市上京区硯屋町) 【離れ】1階洗面の写真_西陣・硯屋町の京町家(京都市上京区硯屋町) 【離れ】2階トイレの写真_西陣・硯屋町の京町家(京都市上京区硯屋町) 【離れ】2階東側洋室の写真_西陣・硯屋町の京町家(京都市上京区硯屋町) 【離れ】2階西側洋室の写真_西陣・硯屋町の京町家(京都市上京区硯屋町)


This property is situated in the "Nishijin area”, known for its abundance of preserved traditional Machiya townhouses, especially located westward along Omiya Street in Kyoto. The vicinity includes charming locations that beckon exploration, such as Ogawa Street with ties to the tea ceremony, Kuramaguchi Street lined with shops and galleries housed in Machiyas, and Mountain Funayama which offers panoramic views of the "Gozan-no-Okuribi2 (the Daimonji Bonfires). It's an enticing location that invites you to explore and fully immerse yourself in the beauty of Kyoto.



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Property Price 205,000,000 JPY (Approx. USD *1JPY= USD)
Type & Conditions Used House (Kyomachiya)
Location 269 Kamidachiuridori-Omiyanishiiru Suzuriyacho, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto
Transportations approx. 5 min. walk from Kyoto City Bus "Imadegawa-Omiya Stop"
approx. 15 min. walk from Subway Karasuma-line "Imadegawa Sta." Exit 2
Land Area 【Registered】231.86sqm
Private Street Area Included N/A
Floor Area 【Registered】Main house… 1F: 80.99sqm, 2F: 85.61sqm, Total: 166.6sqm
(subsidairy building)mill/single-storey wooden house/21.81sqm & mill/single-storey wooden house/26.77sqm & toilet/single-storey wooden house/3.63sqm
Annex… 1F: 45.36sqm, 2F: 45.36sqm, Total: 90.72sqm
【Actual/Tape measured】Main house… 1F: 105.58sqm, 2F: 99.56sqm, Total: 205.14sqm (approx. number) ※mills and toilet on the registry does not exist now.
annex… 1F: 45.36sqmm 2F: 45.36sqm, Total: 90.72sqm (approx. number) 
※Including unregistered area.
Building Structure (Main hosue/Annex) Two Storey Wooden House
Building Date Main house… Unspecifiable (※The earliest record in the house evaluation report is 1927)
Annex… 1985
Size Main house 1F: 1 Room + Living-Dining-Kitchen, Main house 2F: 3 Rooms + Dining-Kitchen, Annex: 2 Rooms + Living-Dining-Kitchen
Adjoining Street Street width: 3.4m (public streer), Frontage: 8m, Direction: North (approx. number)
Public Utility Electricity, Water Plumbing In/Out, City Gas
Land Use District Quasi-Industrial District
Legal Restrictions 15m / Category 3 Height Control District, Quasi-Fire Prevent District, Critical Vicinity Townscape Improvement District (Senryogatsuji), Aesthetic District of Historical Heritage, Townscape improvement District Senryogatsuji Area, Distant View Presentation Zone, Outdoor Advertisement Historical Heritage Category 2 Regulatory District, Nishijin Special Industrial District, Residence Attraction Area, Designated Area based on the Kyomachiya Ordinance, Established Urban Area
Handover TBD
Current Situation Main house: In residence, Annex: In tenant (leased)
Building Coverage Ratio 60%
Floor Area Ratio 200%
Land Category Residential Land
Geographical Features Flatland
Land Tenure Title
Notification According to National Land Utilization Law N/A
Elementary School Nishijin Chuo Elementary School (approx. 4 min. walk/260m)
Junior High School Kamigyo Junior High School (approx. 18 min. walk/1.4km)
City Planning Act Urbanization Promotion Area
Renovations Fully renovated by owner in Aug 2020
Renewed water plumbing facilities (bathroom, kitchen, toilet, basins, etc.), Repaired adn repainted exterior walls, Renewed fittings (exterior/interior), Interior refurbishment, Replaced flooring materials, Installation of floor heating system, Gardening, etc.
Remarks ※approx. 2.18sqm setback.
※This property has obtained Kyo-machiya Karte.
※The seller is not liable for any defects.
※The property will be handed over as is.
※Furniture shown in photos is not included in the property price.
※Prior reservation is required 1 week before the viewing as the property is currently in residence.
※Please note that we cannot show you the interior of the part that is currently leased.
※The lessee's deposit (such as guarantee deposit, etc.) is included in the property price. Deposits will NOT be passed from the seller to the buyer.
Transaction Terms Hachise as a Broker (Agent commission required when concluding contract)
Sales Representative Aya Kito
Information Updated Mar. 24, 2025
Information will be Updated Apr. 7, 2025
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