Costs and Taxes

Welcome to our guide on taxes and costs related to acquiring real estate in Japan.
This page provides a comprehensive list of the fees and taxes associated with property ownership, including when they are typically paid when completing your purchase.
Whether you're a seasoned investor or a first-time buyer, understanding these financial obligations is essential. Let's explore the key expenses you may encounter along your real estate journey in Japan.

Contract Conclusion

Costs & Taxes Remarks

Cost & Fee

Earnest Money Deposit (10%)
Typically 10% of the property price

Cost & Fee

Agent Commission
First half of total amount
※Applicable on brokerage properties only. ≫about brokerage/transaction terms

Cost & Fee

Solicitor or Attorney Fee

Cost & Fee

Contract Translation Charge*


Stamp Duty
For Sale and Purchase contract
(ex: 10,000JPY for a property less than 50,000,000 JPY)
※Applicable on paper contract only.


Registration Tax
Typically included in the Solicitor/Attorney fee. (i.e. The Solicitor/Attorney will pay the tax on your behalf)



Costs & Taxes Remarks

Cost & Fee

Remaining Balance of the Property Cost (90%)
Must be paid on/before the closing date

Cost & Fee

Agent Commission
Second half of total amount
※Applicable on brokerage properties only. ≫about brokerage/transaction terms


Reimbursement of Fixed Asset Tax and City Planning Tax
Per-diem reimbursement of the annual Fixed Asset Tax and City Planning Tax to the seller, settlement will be counted from the closing date to the end of the fiscal year (31st March). ≫read more

After Closing

Costs & Taxes Remarks


Real Estate Acquisition Tax
<For residential use>
 Land: 1.5% of assessed value
 Building: 3% of assessed value
 Land: 3% of assessed value
 Building: 4% of assessed value
※Bill will be issued in 3-6 months after title transfer.

Annual Costs and Taxes

Costs & Taxes Remarks


Fixed Asset Tax and City Planning Tax
Fixed Asset Tax: 1.4% of assessed value
City Planning Tax: 0.3% of assessed value
* Imposed by Fiscal Authority of Kyoto City.
* Tax reduction available for residential lands. ≫read more

Cost & Fee

Fire Insurance Premium*
Varies depending on insurance conditions

Cost & Fee

Neighborhood Association Fee*
Varies depending on the association


Fixed Asset Tax and City Planning Tax
Property owners are required to pay Fixed Asset Tax and City Planning Tax, which are levied on fixed assets such as land and buildings. The taxpayer (the one who will be liable for paying tax) will be determined on January 1st, and the taxation period will start from April 1st of the same year to March 31th in the following year. Buyers must reimburse a pro rata amount of the annual tax to the seller upon closing the contract. If the hand over date is between January 1st and March 31th, the buyer must pay the seller, the same amount as the current annual tax as an advance payment for the following year. The seller will pay the tax on behalf of the buyer upon receiving a tax statement. However, even if the imposed tax is set at a higher/lower rate than the amount paid in advance, neither party is required to make up for the difference.
Agent Commission
Properties are sorted into 3 groups by the transaction forms.
  1. Seller is Hachise, no Broker
  2. Seller is Hachise, Broker is designated
  3. Seller is others, Broker is Hachise
Regarding B and C, The buyer will pay an agent commission of [3% of property price before taxes + 60,000 JPY] + consumption tax. This is indispensable and non-negotiable. Timing of the payment varies depending on the brokers, but the payment is generally made in two equal installments, the first when making a contract and another when finalizing the deal.
Tax Administrator
The Tax Authority requires non-residents who own real estate in Japan to appoint a resident as their tax administrator. You may appoint your friends or acquaintances living in Japan or we can also introduce an administrator to you.
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